Our Role
Our role in your education is quite simple: we keep the records and strive to support and enhance the learning environment by providing efficient and effective services to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We can guide you through various academic services and procedures, including registering for courses, transcript requests, graduation preparation, enrollment certifications, reporting to the National Student Clearinghouse, apostilles, and special letters by request.
Our commitment is to maintain records with accuracy and integrity, to perform our duties using the best technology, and to support the mission and values of Holy Family University.
Contact us online, call us, or visit the office whenever you have a question. We’re here to help.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Contact Information
Phone: 267-341-3212
Email: registrar@leela-thaimassage.com
Fax: 215-281-9067
Location: Holy Family Hall, Room 216
Transcript Requests
Using our convenient online portal, you can easily order transcripts and keep track of your order.
Transcripts may be ordered at any time and are fulfilled during business hours when the University is open. Official transcripts are mailed or emailed directly to you unless otherwise directed.
Academic Calendars
Exam Schedule
Important Policies
For students and parents of Holy Family University, listed below are important policies you will want to read.
Graduation Information
If you are expecting to graduate this semester, you must complete a graduation application. This application will initiate the graduation certification process by the Registrar’s Office. Students cannot be officially recognized as a graduate of Holy Family University, without completing this form.
Holy Family University conducts one “Commencement Ceremony” per year, in May. Please visit the Commencement website for details.
Enrollment and Degree Verification Services
Holy Family University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications. The Clearinghouse verification services will enable you to instantly verify your academic credentials when you may be applying for a job opportunity, graduate school or a product/service that requires proof of degree in order to qualify.
Attendance Policy
Holy Family University does not recognize the cut system. Students are expected to attend all classes and laboratory sessions regularly and may not absent themselves except for illness or other serious matters. Students who have registered but do not attend classes (including students who have decided before the semester commences not to begin classes at all) must notify the Registrar's Office in writing that they are dropping or withdrawing from the course by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar to avoid a failing grade for the course.
Note: Once enrolled in a course, those students who are marked as “never attended” by their faculty during the census process will be administratively dropped from the course. Students who begin and then stop attending class will get the grade which they earn at the end of the semester.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is intended to protect the privacy of a student's educational records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their education records and to provide guideline for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal or formal hearings. To fulfill basic requirements for compliance with the Act, each institution must inform each student of his/her right to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information.